Intro to Microsoft Excel

ct was created to help practice skills learned with spreadsheet applications.

The following skills should be introduced before beginning this project:

  • Creating spreadsheets
  • Adjusting cell sizes
  • Typing on multiple lines within a cell
  • Cell shading and borders
  • SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX formulas
  • Formulas using = + – * / ( )
  • Creating and formatting bar graphs
  • Creating graphs using non-connected cells
  • Copying and pasting charts to another document

The project is broken down into the following portions:

  • Dream Cars Part I: Students will research three vehicles that they would like to drive.
  • Dream Cars Part II: Students will create a spreadsheet comparing the three vehicles. They will also create formulas to calculate the cost per tank of gas, miles per tank of gas, cost per mile, and cost to drive to a destination of their choice.
  • Dream Cars Part III: Students will create graphs to visually represent their data.
  • Dream Cars Summary: Students will create a document summarizing the information that they found. You could also have them create a presentation.
  • Dream Cars Extra Credit: This is a component that I offer to students that finish faster than others.

Part I: Research

Directions: Use an internet search engine to research and find the answers to the questions below. is a great resource to find information about your vehicles.

Google Maps is a great resource for calculating distances from one location to another.

Twin Cities is a great resource for finding current gas prices.

List three vehicles you would like to research
Vehicle A
Vehicle B
Vehicle C
Find the estimated MPG (miles per gallon) for each vehicle.
Vehicle A
Vehicle B
Vehicle C
Find the fuel capacity (tank size) for each vehicle.
Vehicle A
Vehicle B
Vehicle C
How much does a gallon of gas cost today? If you choose any diesel vehicles, also find the current diesel price.
How much does a gallon of gas cost today? If you choose any diesel vehicles, also find the current diesel price.
Distance (miles):

Part II Directions: Use the information that you gathered in Part I to complete this portion of this project.

  1. Using Microsoft Excel, Create the worksheet shown below:
  1. Fill in the MPG, Fuel Capacity, Gasoline Cost (same for each vehicle) and Distance to your selected destination outside of Fayetteville, NC (distance will be the same for each vehicle) that you had recorded on your Dream Car Part 1 assignment.
  2. Answer the questions below to determine the equation that must be used when calculating the cost per tank of gas, miles per tank of gas, cost per mile, and cost to drive to school. You do not need to actually do the math here, just explain HOW you will calculate it (type in what you put in Excel to get the correct answer)
Cost per tank of gasHow will you calculate the cost to fill up the gas tank?
Miles per tank of gasHow will you calculate the number of miles that you can drive on one tank of gas?
Cost per mileHow will you calculate the cost to drive one mile?
Cost to drive to _____________How will you calculate the cost to drive to your chosen destination?
  1. Using formulas: Calculate the cost per tank of gas, miles per tank of gas, cost per mile, and cost to drive to your selected destination for each vehicle.

Part III: Charts

Directions: Using Microsoft Excel, create column charts comparing your three dream cars based on the information that you collected.

Chart 1: Compare the MPG of each vehicle.

Select the vehicle names column and the MPG column to create this chart.

Chart 2: Compare the cost per tank of gas for each vehicle.

Select the vehicle names column and the Cost per Tank column to create this chart.

Chart 3: Compare the cost per mile for each vehicle.

Select the vehicle names column and the Cost per Mile column to create this chart.

  • Each chart must have a title
  • Arrange the charts on the spreadsheet so that the data and the charts are easy to read.
  • Submit your entire workbook WITH CHARTS INCLUDED to Canvas when you have completed the project.

Requirements: in Excell Spreadsheet

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