ITEC 274: Lab # 4 – File Management [30 pts]

[Name, course and section go here…]


To get started, download and open the word document (274_exerciseE_FileManagement.docx) attached to this exercise in BlackBoard / Lab.  You will submit your answers for the exercise via this word document.  No other documents or formats will be accepted.  Submit via BlackBoard / Labs. 

This exercise should be run on a Windows computer (or TU Virtual Workspace).  You will explore operating system disk/volume information and file management using the Windows command line and GUI.  You will use the wmic (Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line), cd, md, rd, and tree commands along with Windows File Explorer.

  1. Check volume/disk information using GUI and command line. [10 pts]
  1. Run Windows File Explorer (not Internet Explorer)
  • Select the H: (if you can) OR C: (if the H: drive is not available) and show its properties (Right click / Properties).
  1. [Paste screen shot showing the Properties of your H: or C: volume…] [2 pts]
  • What is the volume name of H: OR C: (you may not have a volume name on the drive)? Answers:_________
  • What is the volume type of H: OR C: volume? Answers:_________
  • What type of file system is on H: OR C: volume? Answers:_________
  • How much storage capacity is on the H: OR C: volume? Answers:_________
  • How much space is available (free) on the H: OR C: volume? Answers:_________
  • How much space is used on the H: OR C: volume? Answers:_________
  1. Start a Windows command line session
    1. Using one wmic command determine computer volume information.
  1. Note: wmic volume switch will only show local storage so use wmic logicaldisk switch
  1. Hint: start with wmic get logicaldisk get …  (and add the appropriate parameters to list the drive letter, volume name, volume size and amount of free space)
  • How many volumes are on your computer? Answers:_________
  • List the drive letter, volume name, volume size and amount of free space of each volume on your computer.
  1. [Clear screen, run command and then copy/paste results here] [1 pt]
  • Show the single, full command (with all parameters/switches) used to answer the questions above.
  • Working with files, directories and sub directories in Windows command line.  [20 pts]
  1. Start a Windows command line session
  • Select the H: (if you can) OR C: (if the H: drive is not available) (use drive letter: ).
  • Make a directory called ITEC274ExerciseF in the root directory of your H: OR C: drive.
  • Make a subdirectory called My274Color in the ITEC274ExerciseF directory made above.
  • What command(s) did you use to make the directory? Answers:_________
  • Use notepad to create an ASCII text file containing your favorite color.
    • Name the file MyFavoriteColor.txt and be sure to save it in H:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Color or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Color.
  • Return to the command line and verify the MyFavoriteColor.txt file you created exists.
  • What command(s) did you use to verify the file exists? Answers:_________
  1. Change to \ITEC274ExerciseF and remove the My274Color subdirectory.
    1. (hint: rd alone will only remove empty directories – check help… rd /? for command to remove the directory and its files)
    1. What command(s) did you need to use to remove My274Color and its files (MyFavoriteColor.txt)? Answers:_________
  • Make a subdirectory called My274Files in the ITEC274ExerciseF directory made above.
  • What command(s) did you use to Make the directory? Answers:_________
  • Make a subdirectory called My274Friends in the ITEC274ExerciseF directory made above.
  • What command(s) did you use to Make the directory? Answers:_________
  • Use notepad to Make an ASCII text file containing with your name, course and section.
    • Name the file Myfile.txt and be sure to save it in H:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Files or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Files.
  • Return to the command line and verify the Myfile.txt file you created exists.
  • What command(s) did you use to verify the file exists? Answers:_________
  • What size (in bytes) is your Myfile.txt? Answers:_________
  • Copy the file Myfile.txt to H:\ITEC274ExerciseF or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF (keep same file name).
  • What command(s) did you use to copy Myfile.txt to H:\ITEC274ExerciseF or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF? Answers:_________
  • Rename the file H:\ITEC274ExerciseF\Myfile.txt or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF\Myfile.txt to MyFile2.txt (in same directory).
  • What command(s) did you use to rename Myfile.txt to MyFile2.txt? Answers:_________
  • Copy the file Myfile2.txt to Myfile3.txt (in same directory).
  • What command(s) did you use to copy Myfile2.txt to Myfile3.txt? Answers:_________
  • Delete the file Myfile2.txt.
  • What command(s) did you use to delete Myfile2.txt? Answers:_________
  • Use notepad to create an ASCII text file containing the first name of 3 friends / people you know.
    • Name the file MyFriends.txt and be sure to save it in H:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Friends or C:\ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Friends.
  • Return to the command line and verify the MyFriends.txt file you created exists.
  • What command(s) did you use to verify the file exists? Answers:_________
  • What size (in bytes) is your MyFriends.txt? Answers:_________
  • Copy the MyFriends.txt you just crested in \ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Friends to your \ITEC274ExerciseF\My274Files directory (use same file name).
  • What command(s) did you use to copy MyFriends.txt? Answers:_________
  • Clear the screen
  • What command(s) did you use to clear the screen?  Answers:_________
  1. Change directory to ITEC274 in the root directory of your H: OR C: drive.
  • What command(s) did you use to change directory?   Answers:_________
  • Use the tree /f command to show the directory structure and files of your directory H:\ITEC274 or C:\ITEC274.
  1. [Paste screen shot showing the structure and files of your directory…] [1 pt]
    1. What does the tree command do? Answers:_________
  • What does the /f  in tree /f do?   Answers:_________
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