Jupyter python project

You are tasked with developing a COVID-19 report using data collected by Johns Hopkins University on cumulative cases of COVID-19 reported by countries, along with Natural Earth map data from GeoPandas. Your goal is to replicate the final output illustrated below using Python and its relevant libraries. You will need to develop the code based on the available information provided in the final output. Your report must maintain the same structure, value/output format, text casing, line spacing, indentation, etc. Since this project involves actual (non-fictitious) COVID-19 data, ensure that the output values from your code make logical sense.

This project is a research endeavor that will require a considerable amount of time for reviewing documentation and debugging errors. You may reuse and modify syntax covered in the course, but you will likely need to consult external documentation for certain aspects (e.g., formatting large numerical values with commas).

Avoid hardcoding values by using variables and/or parameters to represent specific values in your code. Hardcoding is directly embedding specific values into the source code. You must provide the Python code to retrieve values such as population or total cases.

In your document containing your programming code, include a minimum of six comments with brief statements throughout the script. These comments should provide insight into what certain lines of code will be doing.

Use appropriate variable names in your code for easy readability. While abbreviations are acceptable, avoid using one-letter variable names. There is no limit to the number of variables, DataFrames, or GeoDataFrames you can create and use. You may include additional Python library packages at your discretion.

A Jupyter Notebook is provided that includes syntax pertaining to libraries, COVID-19 data, and geometry shapes data.

Before submitting your work, organize your code inside one code cell in the provided Jupyter Notebook template file. Run the code cell to ensure the output is presented correctly. Finally, create a PDF version of your notebook, While you may work on the assignment using multiple code cells for easier management, consolidate your code into one cell. An FAQ page section is available below and will be periodically updated. You are expected to review this document. FAQi have attached the output file.

Requirements: meets the requirements

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