kinesiology project

Learning Goal: I’m working on a kinesiology project and need guidance to help me learn.

It does NOT have to be a long paper you can include pictures

My question: Does the timing of parental divorce affect nutrition of young children at the ages (5-10) boys/girls Vs older teens of the ages of (11-18yr) boy/girls more?

Sections/Points to IncludeResearch populationSample sizeDuration of studyTests or outcome measuresTimeline/ study designLimitation

Research Population and Sample SizeProvide some rationale for your populationWhy do you think you may see a difference in this population?Sample size based on previous research

Duration of StudyHow many weeks/months/years will the study last?Provide rationale

–i.e. if you are measuring changes in total cholesterol following an exercise intervention, research typical time for measurable changes in total cholesterol to occur

Tests/Outcome MeasuresWhat are you measuring for changesCite other studies that have used the measurement in similar populations, applicationsBe sure your words are precise!

Ex. Body fat vs. BMI

Timeline/Study DesignWhat is the time course of the study?Can be depicted graphically or in paragraph/bulleted formMake sure timeline matches up with outcome measures


Reflect on your studyWhat weaknesses exist?

–(There will always be weaknesses; no study is perfect)

Common examples:

–Limitations to the outcome measures

–Limitations to application

–Limitations to interpretation

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