Law Questions

See Case studies document uploaded in files below

Answer the questions related to the case study. Formulate your responses in an APA style paper and submit. The paper must be in a Microsoft Word document or in PDF format.

Instructions: Utilizing the case study provided, write a one-page summary analysis to turn in. The summary must be typed in a normal font, double-spaced, and at a minimum of one page. Find one article from a scholarly source to support your ideas/analysis.


  • Utilize knowledge gained throughout the course to provide an analysis of the case.
  • Make sure to include in your analysis the answers to the questions that are provided.
  • Develop your analysis to turn in. (Maximum length 2 pages)

* Make sure your summary is formatted according to APA guidelines and typed (12 pt. font, double-spaced) according to syllabi standards.


Self-Awareness:Student discusses in detail/ analyzes both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs and discussion has greater depth and clarity.

Comprehension:Student names the theory or theories, can present the gist of said theory or theories, and accurately explains the details of the theory or theories used.

Recognition:Student can recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) context AND can recognize cross- relationships among the issues.

Application : Student can independently apply ethical perspectives/ concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and is able to consider full implications of the application.

Evaluation :

Student states a position and can state the objections to, assumptions and implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/ concepts, and the student’s defense is adequate and effective.
APA Formatting:Paper was clear of APA formatting errors
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