law studies

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law question and need guidance to help me learn.

For your written assignment this semester, you are to pick a topic related to juvenile delinquency and write a research paper about it. I have listed some ideas below to provide insight for what is expected in the paper.

The textbook may be used and cited but will not count as one of the three outside sources required for this paper. Outside sources shall be from peer-reviewed journals. Sources from Wikipedia, Fox News, CNN, etc. will not count toward the four required sources.

The paper will be double spaced with 1” margins, Times New Roman size 12 font and no less than four pages long. There will also need to be a cover page and a bibliography (these are not included in your four written pages). The paper will be written and sourced in APA style and include in-text citations. Papers will be graded on content, following APA format, sources and spelling/grammar.

Topics that may be used (these are not the only topics that can be used):

Onset of delinquency

Age of adulthood

Juvenile death penalty

Status offenses

Juvenile criminal records

Criminal law vs. School law

Juvenile detention

Restorative justice


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