Leadership and Management

Purpose: This assignment aims to define leadership and management and concepts that might be used in your current work setting.

Use your experience, videos, readings, and discussion board information to inform your response. Submit as a Word document.

  • Define leadership in 3 to 5 bullet points.
  • Define management in 3 to 5 bullet points.
  • Explain the difference between leadership and management.
  • Identify one new or different organizational concept explored in this chapter that might be used in your current work setting, and identify 3 ways it could be used in your work setting.

Each citation and reference should use APA 7th edition. Typically, in APA format, students should avoid using first-person speech, but since this is a self-reflection, it is acceptable for this paper.

Module Objectives:

This assignment aids in the attainment of the following Module Objectives:

  • MO 1: Identify the general principles guiding appreciative leadership conceptualizations. (CO 1)
  • MO 2: Discuss five key principles of appreciative leadership that differentiate it from more traditional leadership models. (CO 4)
  • MO 3: Explore new organizational concepts of complex adaptive systems and their relationship to new leader practices. (CO 5)
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