Legal Entanglement Project: Part 2 – Professional Norms Knowledge Base Assignment Instructions


In this next section of the course project, you will research current case law and professional literature connected to your selected policy and topic. In doing this, you will communicate the professional norms that are directly related to the selected legal entanglement issue.


At this point, you are ready to develop a knowledge base on professional norms regarding your chosen topic. To do so, you will conduct reviews of case law and other literature on the topic.

Case Law Reviews – Review three (3) court cases on your selected topic. Summarize each case and the court’s decision. Reflect on how the court decisions apply practically to your topic. Each course case summary must be at least 200 words.

Literature Review – Review three (3) references from various sources on your selected topic. These may be position statements, opinion pieces, research articles, books, etc. As you review the literature on your selected topic, identify emerging trends or issues likely to affect the school. Reflect on how the literature applies practically to your topic. Each review must be at least 200 words.

A title page and reference page must be included and do not count toward the word count requirement. All formatting must adhere to current APA guidelines.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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