Lighting and Mechanical Systems

I have attached the LEED Scorecard for the buildings you are studying for their environmental qualities. Using the scorecards as well as the descriptions of the scorecards that can be found in the links below, please virtually visit the building you have been assigned and respond to the prompts below using short essay answers, include images of the spaces as well as the individual components as part of your response. (act as if you went in person you only need a few images and speak as if you were there in person)


Answer each of the following questions for the building you have been assigned.

  1. Students visit buildings to identify their acoustic and thermal design characteristics. What elements of the interior can you identify as having acoustical and thermal properties. Please reflect on your experience of wellbeing in the environment.
  2. Students visit buildings and respond to the properties of and experience of passive and mechanical system design.
  3. Students visit buildings and respond to the thermal design characteristics and respond to the experience of active and passive thermal systems that impact interior design solutions. (Clue: Enclosure/Skin and interior Materials present and access to thermal controls in the spaces.)
  4. Students visit buildings and look for Mechanical design characteristics, including plumbing, and respond to the experience on the integration of systems that impact interior design solutions. (Clue: Don’t forget to visit the bathrooms)
  5. Students visit buildings and observe their Lighting design characteristics, noting the daylighting attributes of the interior environment, noting architectural luminaires and lighting components.
  6. Students visit buildings and observe their Lighting design characteristics, noting the luminance characteristics of the spaces respond to electrical lighting solutions of the interior environment, luminaires, and lighting fixtures.
  7. Students visit buildings and observe their Lighting design characteristics, noting the disposal and maintenance management protocol of waste as related to luminaires and lighting fixtures. (Clue: You will need to research this in order to respond to the specifics for the building)
  8. Students visit LEED certified buildings at varying levels (gold, platinum) and respond to the experience on indoor air quality that impact interior design solutions.
  9. Students visit LEED certified buildings at varying levels (gold, platinum) and respond to the application of products impacting indoor air quality that impact interior design solutions. (Clue: Be sure to comment on the physical characteristics of the materiality and how you experience those materials)
  10. Students visit LEED certified buildings at varying levels (gold, platinum) and respond to the effectiveness of components researched from the LEED scorecard. (Include any and all that apply from the scorecard)


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