List several political, cultural, or ethical decisions you could face in your professional field while planning programs

Please complete and respond properly to each question for each discussion.

Your questions to consider for Chapter 2 are:

a. List several political, cultural, or ethical decisions you could face in your professional field while planning programs.

b. How might you use the Interactive Model to train individuals to use one of the ethical decision-making formats?

250 words I attached the chapter


Discuss the following questions. Provide a full description/in-depth analysis for each question. You MUST reply/discuss with at least two (2) of your peers.

1. How do you define diversity, equity, and inclusion individually and wholly as an organizational practice?

2. How does your organization address DEI? Name as many initiatives, interventions, or commitments as you can. How effective have these been in achieving what they were intended for? How do you know? (If you are not currently employed or your organization does not currently address DEI, please research initiatives at an organization similar to yours or the field/industry you would like to work).

3. Affirmative action and quotas have significantly dropped in popularity in the US and some other countries despite research showing effectiveness. However, this isn’t the case in every country, especially for gender quotas. Research a country or industry that implements a quota system for workplace representation. How effective is this system and what are the challenges?

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