Literature Evaluation

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Literature Evaluation

Measurable Outcomes

  1. 80% of patients will report an increased understanding of their diagnosis and treatment plan as measured by a post-education survey. Targeted patient education aims to improve patient knowledge and engagement in care decisions.
  2. Nurses will score an average of 85% or higher on a post-intervention knowledge assessment about the latest evidence-based guidelines. Ensuring nurses have the most updated evidence helps improve the standard of care and patient outcomes.
  3. There will be a 25% reduction in 30-day hospital readmission rates for patients with heart failure compared to previous rates. Readmission rates indicate quality of care and self-management abilities – reducing them shows patients are getting the support needed to stay healthy at home.
  4. As a post-intervention survey indicates, 90% of patients will report satisfaction with the support for symptom management and lifestyle changes. Positive patient experience feedback helps evaluate if the intervention adequately addressed patients’ needs and preferences.
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