Literature Review: Tracing TAM and Diffusion Theory’s Development and Effects in Research.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a information technology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Title: Title: Comprehensive Synthesis and Analysis of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovation Theory in Academic Literature

Detailed Literature Review Question:

Please conduct a thorough literature review that maps the historical evolution and scholarly discourse surrounding the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory. This review should encompass a critical analysis of at least 20 articles, with a focused examination of the foundational theories. The expectation is to produce a detailed narrative on each theory across five pages for each theory, encapsulating the genesis of TAM and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, the seminal authors and their contributions, and the key constructs as originally described by the creators.

Furthermore, the review should assess how these constructs have been operationalized and measured over time, including the development and refinement of assessment instruments. It is crucial to include a discussion on the reliability and validity of these instruments and their adoption in empirical research.

For each theory, identify and analyze 10 pivotal authors and their respective articles, totaling 20 articles for both theories. The analysis should present a chronological progression of thought and application, from the inception by the original authors to contemporary interpretations and usage in various fields.

The final deliverable should be structured as an educative piece, akin to a 10-page lecture on each theory, demonstrating not only the historical context and academic progression but also the practical implications and future directions for research within the realms of TAM and Diffusion of Innovation Theory.

Note : 10 Pages excluding reference, title pages and please do follow APA Format. Thank you

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