M7 Workshop STAT674

* Total 80 points for this workshop;
The local school district has a SAS data set called DISTRICT that contains the rubric used for classifying teachers’s
annual evaluations. The evaluation rating is based on two components: a teacher score and a curriculum grade. The data
set DISTRICT serves as a lookup table for determining the final evaluation rating based on a given teacher score and a
curriculum grade.
Currently, there are 10 elementary school teachers awaiting evaluation. Their information is stored in the SAS data set
named TEACHERS. To determine the evaluation ratings for these teachers, please follow the steps below.
*Q1.  (40pts)Examine these SAS data sets including the variable labels and attributes. 
         Combine the two SAS data sets to assign proper evaluation rating to each teacher;

*Q2.    (20pts)The goal is to find the ratings for the 10 teachers. So in the output data of Q1, eliminate any observations that
           are not relavent to these teachers.

*Q3. (20pts)Sort the resulting data set by teacher name so that administrators can easily locate each teacher’s rating.;

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