Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Group Assignment

Your position in this term-long project is that of a start-up firm launching a new product or

service in the marketplace by addressing an un[der]served consumer need. While Appendix 2

in your book is a good start to get familiar with the process, please follow the course outline

below to properly assess the market and your offering’s potential. Unlike the provided sample,

Please type your work on single-spaced, 12-font pages. The paper should have no less than 20 pages, excluding figures, tables, and other exhibits.

Our Plan Idea:

Safety watch for women that is equipped with a panic button that alerts authorities and emergency contacts of location. Additionally, it can monitor heart rate for signs of distress.

  • Could come with a mobile app that could show safest walking routes from point A to point B by tracking crime in the area and nearby authorities.
  • App could also have safety discussion threads where users could post past experiences they’ve had to ensure others don’t make the same mistakes or to post about safety concerns to help others avoid.
  • Local businesses could become partners with the brand and offer their establishments as safe spots.
  • App could have tutorials of self defense moves for various situations that may arise.
  • This app could be used in your hometown or especially when you are traveling and don’t know the area.

The only part you have to do is:

4. The Company
b. SBUs/portfolio

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