Marquis’ main argument

professor feedback: Marquis’ main argument is that a fetus has a “future  like ours”. Killing a grown human being is wrong because it takes away their future. aborting fetuses, he thinks, is wrong for the same reasons as killing an adult human being–it takes away their future. Fetuses have a “future like ours” in that they will be able to do the same kinds of activities that make our life worthwhile–have relationships, set goals, work on projects like writing a book or building a house, etc. There is a question, though, about whether this “future like ours” starts at conception (when the egg becomes fertilized) or if it starts prior to that. Does birth control take away a fetus’ future like ours? It might depend on the type of birth control–condoms, IUD, birth control pills, Plan B, etc. That’s a worthy question.  Your paper, then, would be trying to answer the question about which types of birth control violate a future like ours. 

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