Milestone: Final Project Initial Thoughts

Milestone: Final Project Initial Thoughts

For your final project in this course, you will submit a twelve to fifteen-page research paper that focuses on one key company dilemma you have experienced in your career or are currently experiencing now. You will explore this organizational behavior dilemma by conducting some research within the company that helps identify the source of the problem. With this information, you will be able to offer some insight into how to solve the problem by bringing about organizational change.The end goal is to make your organization better as it relates to addressing the problem you have identified.

Write a one-page paper that presents your company dilemma.

1. What is happening or has happened in your company that creates a problem within the human side of the organization?

2. What is the background on the problem? (briefly describe how your company has arrived at this situation)

3. What would your future organization look like if this problem was addressed to make the organization better?

Please remove any company or organization identifiers as needed in the paper — reference the company/organization as Company X.

Requirements: 1 page

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