
I. Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn more about the weekly subject matter in this course. Exploring the museum fosters student curiosity and enforces student learning by selecting a topic from broad yet set assignment parameters. 

II. Grading: Your grade is based on completing the assignment, following the assignment’s instructions, and demonstrating that you learned more about the selected topic.  

III. About the assignment: 

1. Throughout the semester, there will be supplemental activities and discussions about the weekly subject matter. This week you will have the opportunity to explore WWII Texas museums. You may select one of the two museums listed below: the WASP Museum or the National Museum of the Pacific War. 

2. For this assignment, you will take a virtual tour of a museum that highlights Texas in WWII. The virtual tour is not an actual tour with a tour guide. Spend time browsing the exhibits.  

3. Do not use any outside sources. For this assignment, use only the museum source (see below). Select one of the two museums. 

4. For grading clarity, please number each of the answers/paragraphs (1-3).  -2 points for not numbering the answers.

5. When writing your museum reflection, please answer the prompts in the order they are listed in the instructions.

6. Once this is graded on Canvas, you may not ask to resubmit this assignment. This assignment uses Turn-it-In. You do not need to create a Turnitin account. Submit this assignment like you submit all other assignments. 

7. Do not submit a file/pdf for this assignment. These are not compatible with Turnitin. 

IV. Instructions: 

1st question/paragraph: In your own words, give a brief description of the museum. Include the title and the homepage web address. You may answer in sentences or bullet points (10 points). 

1. a. The museum’s “about us” tab and the homepage each contain important information about the museum. Pay particular attention to the website’s content and less attention to the website’s aesthetics (font, page colors. etc…).

2nd question/paragraph: Select a specific exhibit and take a tour. After you tour the exhibit, write a description of the exhibit you selected (sentences or bullet points). Include an actual photo of the artifact, painting, or photo that you selected from the exhibit and the link to the exhibit. Explain what you found interesting about the exhibit that you selected.  For the description, include information about the photo, painting, or exhibit. For example, if you select a photo, give the name of the photo who took the picture, and the year it was shot. Assume that I don’t know anything about the photo/exhibit that you select. It’s important to include the actual photo in this assignment. Again, be sure to include the link for the exhibit that you select. This link is separate from the museum homepage link (15 points). 

3rd question/paragraph: After virtually touring the museum, in your own words what specifically did you learn about the WASPS or the Pacific War Museum? If you say something like “I learned a lot about the WASPS.”, this is vague and will not be counted as one of the minimum five sentences or bullet points. It’s important to elaborate on what you learned (give specific answers!). This should be a minimum of 5 sentences or bullet points (25 points). 

3 a. Your five sentences or bullet points should be five separate facts that you learned about the WASPs or the Museum of Pacific War. To reiterate, if one of your sentences says something like, “I learned a lot about the WASPs and they are interesting” this will not count as one of your facts. 

3. b. Important: For each of the five facts, at the end of the sentence provide the link to the page where you found the fact. For example: During WWII, the WASP pilots trained in the Vultee BT-13 airplane. to an external site.

3. c. These five facts are different from what you learned about the exhibit you selected. 

V. The museums: Select one of these two museums

1. WASP Museum: (Links to an external site.)

1. a. Select an exhibit that only relates to WWII. 

2. National Museum of the Pacific War, this is the main link: home page link.Links to an external site.

2 a. For this museum, the provided link contains oral histories from Texans during WWII. 

2. b. You may select one of these two topics from the National Museum of the Pacific War. 

      Topic 1: Lew Weber oral history interview and here is the link to this topicLinks to an external site.. You may listen to the audio interview and there is also an interview transcript. 

      Topic 2: Alvin Leos’s oral history interview you may listen to the audio interview and there is also an interview transcript.              Here is the link to this topic. Links to an external site.

VI. Deductions:

1. Not following the instructions.

2. Not numbering your answers/paragraphs 1 – 3 (-2 points).

3. Not explaining what you found interesting in the second question/paragraph (- 2 points). 

4. Grammar/syntax disasters. 

5. Late submission. 

6. Submitting a link/pdf -20 points. 

7. Omitting the five links for the third question (-2 for each missed link). 

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