Music Questions

For this assignment have 3 parts.

first part : power point

second part: works cited document in MLA Format

third part: the explanation for each slide( i need to use it for presentation )

The final project for this class is a video presentation in which you bring together all the areas we have been studying and do an examination of a specific Broadway musical. You may choose which Broadway musical you would like to examine, but the presentations will have a prescribed format.

Remember, you must choose a Broadway musical, not off-Broadway, not West-End, not regional. For this assignment, the website IBDB( your best friend. Use the website to search for musicals and their production history.

What follows are the content requirements for your video and the basic structure.

Part One: Basic Information

This is where you tackle the question, “What is it?” Provide us with the following details:

Name of the musical

Date it first opened on Broadway

How long it ran on Broadway

Which Broadway venue was used for its premier?

Who wrote the musical? Include the people that wrote the music, lyrics, and “book”. The book is the script of the show with all the dialog elements. For musicals based on novels such as Wicked, indicate who wrote the stage version, not the novel it was based on.

Who were the members of the production’s creative team? Include the director, choreographer, musical director, and other designers such as scenic, costume, and lighting.

Part Two: The Plot

Provide a short summary of the musical’s plot. Incorporate elements from Freytag’s plot pyramid in your description.

Part Three: Interpretative Criticism

So, we know the story, but what is this show about? Identify the themes in the show and comment on how they are presented. Include interpretative criticism from professionals as well as your own observations. Establish the credentials of any professionals you quote. “Some guy who commented on YouTube,” does not cut it here. In your presentation we should be able to easily differentiate your commentary from that of professionals.

Part Four: Focus on music or dance

For this section you will focus on either the music or the choreography in a specific section of the show. Choose a section that is brief, one song or maybe a portion of a longer song and go into more detail. For this section we will need to see the choreography or hear the music. This means incorporating audio and/or video into your presentation. Begin by establishing how the music or choreography contributes to the storytelling. What purpose does it serve in the production? Then, describe the music or choreography in detail using the terminology we covered in class. Examples would include tempo, rhythm, melody, positioning, levels, and so forth.

Part Five: Stagecraft

For this section examine how the production’s design (scenery, costumes, or lighting) uses artistic skills to tell the story.

Part Six: Evaluative Criticism

Is this show any good? How does it compare to other musicals? Provide your evaluative criticism and your rationale. It is not enough to say that you like it, or you don’t. You must make your case. In addition, provide evaluative criticism from professionals. As before you should establish the credibility of anyone you quote and we should be able to differentiate your ideas from those of the professionals you are quoting.

Part Seven: Conclusion

What are the most important take-aways from your presentation? What should we remember most? Are there any other noteworthy things about the show that you would like to share?

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