Must discuss at least four forms of capital. The six forms of capital according to Yosso’s model:

Essay must be in MLA format and have a minimum of 1500 words.

Must discuss at least four forms of capital. The six forms of capital according to Yosso’s model:

Family: knowledge, skills, and values instilled from family;

Social: community resources;

Aspirational: hopes/dreams/aspirations;

Linguistic: types of language and style of speaking;

Navigational: techniques in moving through obstacles- can be both physical and mental spaces;

Resistant: techniques in overcoming inequality/discrimination/stereotypes.


Tara J. Yosso argues that there are valuable experiences and cultural knowledge that can empower individuals and help people achieve success in any given situation- especially when structural and institutional disadvantages are present. She challenges the notion of people having deficits and instead focuses on promoting their strengths through tapping into community and cultural resources that she refers to as cultural wealth. In her essay, “Whose Culture has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth”, Yosso defines cultural wealth as “an array of knowledge, skills, strengths and experiences that are learned and shared by people of color and marginalized groups; The values and behaviors that are nurtured through culture work together to create a way of knowing and being”. In her essay, she creates a model that identifies SIX forms of capital that contribute to cultural wealth; her research argues that disadvantaged people create means of resistance that demonstrates intelligence, compassion, and strength through these forms of capital. The model of cultural wealth is a means of understanding the value of marginalized people.


Using Tara J. Yosso’s article, craft an essay that does one of the following:

1) Write a personal narrative that examines how you have used (or will use) Yosso’s community cultural wealth model to achieve success in an unfamiliar setting. How can the six forms of capital empower you?; or,

2) Present an individual who lacks traditional success and make an argument for their individual wealth using Yosso’s article. What is their identity and value through the lens of community cultural wealth? Discuss the six forms of capital that the individual possesses. CONSIDER: How is the individual’s community perceived? Which forms of capital are present? How does the subject pull from, and contribute to, the community cultural wealth model?; or,

3) Present a community that is marginalized, discriminated, or negatively stereotyped and argue for their value using Yosso’s community cultural wealth model. How do the six forms of capital help to explain the value of the community?; or,

4) If you have another idea for the assignment that you would like to explore in relation to Yosso’s community cultural wealth model, offer your idea to me for approval.

Link to Yosso Article
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