
Professional Web Presence/Bio Discussion Board Information

Based on your readings, and your professional experience, consider the interactions of nursing leaders and characteristics of professional presence. Consider how a nursing leader of the past might present themselves today. How might they develop a professional WEB presence to support their leadership goals and/or share their vision for change? How would they present themselves in a brief biography?

Online (web) presence or online identity can help or hinder your career and support or damage your professional (and personal) reputation. Nurses are expected to uphold the Code of Ethics for Nurses inside and outside of practice. Nurses are held to the highest standards, and this includes our conduct in the virtual world. Present and future employers will look to the virtual world to see your current digital footprint and may expect you to expand upon or create content for an online audience. What this online presence looks like is up to you, but cultivating an online presence or persona is an important part of being a professional in our technology driven world.

Part I

In this assignment, you will begin the process of developing an online professional presence. Review the “About” sections posted at the examples provided below. In the Discussion Board, craft your professional bio, in third person format (do not use “I” or “Me”). Your bio should be 1-2 paragraphs  (3-5 sentences in each paragraph). A paragraph consists of a minimum of 3 sentences.

Linkedin Examples:

Executive Chairman at LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner:

Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center, Sameer Hinduja:

CEO and author, Arianna Huffington:

Your bio should highlight your professional experience and qualifications. You may also include future goals/directions, additional skills or certifications, etc.

Consider if your professional bio speaks to a clearly defined, professional audience. Does your bio clearly articulate your professional role and your goals/vision for the future? Remember, your WRITING is a good indicator of how you wish to be perceived. Some professionals present their bios in only short sentences/fragments; for the purpose of this assignment, be sure your bio is written in full sentences and is grammatically and mechanically correct. Be sure to draft and edit your bio before sharing.

Part II

For the second part of this assignment, and in the same post as your bio, discuss how your professional online presence (as a nurse) relates to Provision 5 of the Code of Ethics for Nurses. Be sure to reference the Code of Ethics in APA 7th Edition format, as appropriate. If you use direct quotes, be sure to indicate as such in your posting and cite correctly.

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