Choose a special or at-risk population for any substance use disorder and discuss education, therapies, community resources, and treatment options

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Choose a special or at-risk population for any substance use disorder and discuss education, therapies, community resources, and treatment options. Include information regarding the special challenges they face. For example, teenagers and vaping, or the homeless population and…

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Experiential Learning Project (ELP)

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Overview Your Experiential Learning Project (ELP) required you to become a change agent. You selected a problem that was professionally or personally important to you, researched the problem, and developed a plan of action that included strategies for…

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explore emerging themes in the field of educational technology and elucidate educator perspectives in order to project future directions while grappling with several current issues facing the field

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Challenges and Possibilities Paper Assignment Instructions In this 8-10-page paper, you will explore emerging themes in the field of educational technology and elucidate educator perspectives in order to project future directions while grappling with several current issues facing…

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behavior management philosophy

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Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation Assignment Instructions The presentation must follow current APA formatting standards and include a minimum of 20 slides and at least five references. Each resource listed on the reference list should be cited within the…

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What hormone is not functioning properly causing Cynthia’s glucose levels to be abnormal?

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For your signature assignment, compose a 3- to 4-page case analysis (in addition to a title page, abstract, and reference list page) written in APA Style citing at least 3 references with one non-Internet reference. The following should…

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(THIS TOPIC IS FOR BACONS REBELLION) You may use online sources that are academic in nature (from a .edu or .gov site only). Required number of sources for written portion: 3-5 minimum. The following websites are NOT ALLOWED…

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federal and state court authority, structures, and functions

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Description The objective of this assignment is to enable you to demonstrate your understanding of federal and state court authority, structures, and functions. Write an essay of 5-7 pages in which you respond to the following questions: Where…

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“The City of Invention” by Fay Weldon

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Below is the list of all the text, poems and short stories required for the 2 essays. Module 1: “The City of Invention” by Fay Weldon Module 2: OLD ENGLISH: The Wanderer” MODERN ENGLISH William Shakespeare William Shakespeare…

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Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article.

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Scenario You have just been hired as a Research Assistant for a hospital where you will be working with a team that conducts human research. As a part of your training, you are expected to refresh your understanding…

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Compare the Agile and Waterfall (Plan and Document) software engineering processes

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The essay question is as follows. You may want to write out the essay prior to the exam and then copy and paste into the exam. Make sure the essay is written in your own words and not…

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