Compare and/or contrast the social values of the Nile Valley’s original cosmology/theology with the social values innate in Western culture’s cosmologies/theologies.

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African civilizations  Compare and/or contrast the social values of the Nile Valley’s original cosmology/theology with the social values innate in Western culture’s cosmologies/theologies. How does the ancient African view of human origins, identity and potential human destiny compare…

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How has the environment influenced the settlement of the West? How has the environment influenced the historical narrative of the American West?

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How has the environment influenced the settlement of the West? How has the environment influenced the historical narrative of the American West?

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Your task is to create an organization or team improvement plan for your team or organization.

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Your task is to create an organization or team improvement plan for your team or organization. If you are a supervisor, focus from your level and then down, where you have the most control. If you are not…

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Based on the organization Microsoft, write a 700- to 1,050-word Leadership Styles Rationale paper. In your paper, complete the following: 

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Based on the organization Microsoft, write a 700- to 1,050-word Leadership Styles Rationale paper. In your paper, complete the following: 

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Explain to Joan Whalen why a set of financial statements (income statement, statement of stockholders’ equity, and balance sheet) would be useful to you in evaluating the loan request.

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Part 1: Working Capital Assignment Assume that you recently accepted a position with Five Star National Bank & Trust as an assistant loan officer. As one of your first duties, you have been assigned the responsibility of evaluating…

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explore the wonderful world of descriptive statistics

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This week you will explore the wonderful world of descriptive statistics. You may not have noticed how often you are presented with statistics in a variety of contexts, with statements that start out like “Statistics show that…” Respond…

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why the movie Citizen Kane is an important film in Hollywood

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2 Paragraphs why the movie Citizen Kane is an important film in Hollywood

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For this assignment, pretend that the (fictional) Book of Wisdom and Knowledge has been stolen from your university’s library by an unknown person or group of people. Your faculty and classmates have chosen you to find this item and bring it back to your community. However, no true hero works alone, and you must select four others to accompany you on your journey. Your companions will be chosen from characters found in the three epics we have read together so far this semester: Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey.

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PURPOSE: For this assignment, you’ll evaluate characters from Gilgamesh, the Ramayana, and the Odyssey and then write an essay of 1175-1225 words (see specific topic below) arguing for and supporting your conclusions. This assignment will build your writing, analytical, and evaluative skills.  PROMPT: For this assignment, pretend that…

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Analyze the ways in which women in the Shahnameh and Sundiata influence the heroes of these epics. What agency do they have over their own lives? How do they adhere to the values of their societies, and in what ways do they break established norms? What price (if any) do they pay for the choices they make? Ultimately, what lessons are the audience intended to learn about the role of women in these societies?

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PURPOSE: For this assignment, you will respond to one of the two prompts below and make a thoughtful argument about the Shahnameh and the Sundiata. You will then present your argument to your instructor via a PowerPoint presentation…

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Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases

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The student will complete one Discussion: Internal Controls and Ethics Analysis in thiscourse. INSTRUCTIONS The case must be selected from Sections two through five of the Knapp casebooks(Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases).The student will post one thread…

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