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Using Xojo as the program source. I just need coding to make the website work using simple “if” “then” statements along with integers, doubles, boolean. I am making a app on a short depression and anxiety. I simply…

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argument research paper

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Requirements: 800+

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Why is reproduction essential for Organisms

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a biology multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

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Health & Medical Question

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The strongest applications had a well-written personal statement that cogently expressed an understanding of and interest in behavior analysis, letters of recommendation from academic or professional sources describing experience and characteristics that are particularly relevant to the discipline…

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Intermediate Accounting 1

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Group Project 1Assignment instructions:▪ This is a group assignment (2-3 students per group);▪ It’s worth 20% of your overall course assessments;▪ You should submit your solution by the end of Thursday, November 30 on the Blackboard;▪ Please use…

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The Case of Diego Garcia

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a history writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Week 12 – The Case of Diego Garcia Assignment instructions Please provide a clear and direct answer to the week’s…

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Q1: What is money multiplier? How is it related to the reserve ratio? Calculate the total maximum and total minimum possible money supply due to the deposit of 200 SAR in a bank. The country follows a fractional reserve banking system, and the Reserve…

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Packet Tracer

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Packet Tracer – Investigate a VLAN ImplementationAddressing TableDevice Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default GatewayS1 VLAN 99 N/AS2 VLAN 99 N/AS3 VLAN 99 N/APC1 NIC NIC…

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Available Computer Science Tutor

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a html / css project and need guidance to help me learn. I’m look for a tutor who can help me out with the material. It’s about the html and basic computer information. Requirements:

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pharmacology project

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a pharmacology project and need a reference to help me learn. is medicinal chemestry project Minimum number of pages 3 Must containin this : 1-Structure 2-Uses 3-Related derivatives 4-SAR 5-Toxic and side effects 6-How…

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