Analyzing a Published Work

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English Composition II – Week #3 Assignment 1 Analyzing a Published Work One of the most important skills you will use throughout your career and personal life is analytical thinking. Analytical thinking requires you to identify the purpose…

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 Law Enforcement: Federal, State, Local and Data Driven Policing

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 Law Enforcement: Federal, State, Local and Data Driven Policing Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 5, Law Enforcement Operations and Legal Limitations in the Wright (2012) text. Review the following required resources, Police Practice: Incorporating Hot-Spots…

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Define probable cause and its relationship to determining the legality of a search

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Prior to beginning your written assignment, read Kim’s Fourth Amendment (Links to an external site.) article, Machado’s Fourth Amendment article, view the Fourth Amendment: Exceptions to the Warrant Requirement (Part I) (Links to an external site.) and the Fourth Amendment: Exceptions to the Warrant Requirement Part II) (Links…

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The Right to Remain Silent

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[WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3, 5] Prior to beginning your written assignment, read the Fifth Amendment (Links to an external site.) article, the Competency to Waive Fifth Amendment Rights during Custodial Interview (Links to an external site.) article, You Might Have the Right to…

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Week 7 Assignment

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— General Education Capstone – Week 7 Assignment The Final Project Case Study Scenario: You were hired by XYZ University as a consultant. They wanted you to research an organization to see if a service learning opportunity would benefit…

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How would you describe to an employer the five learning outcomes of Grantham University?

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Learning Outcomes Portfolio Overview: For your final assignment in this course, reflect on your experiences in this course and at Grantham so far. Think about the ways your coursework has helped to make you a stronger, better informed individual,…

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Eyewitness Misidentification

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Eyewitness Misidentification Access the website for the Innocence Project and the link on the site regarding misidentification of criminal suspects: View the video that discusses the Ronald Cotton case. After watching the video, write a one page reaction paper…

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judge in a federal district court

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This week, you are a judge in a federal district court where a man has been charged with possessing and distributing cocaine. The police obtained the evidence of his drug possession and sale by searching his home. Police…

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Tennessee v. Garner

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Tennessee v. Garner outlines the constitutional use of deadly force in felony cases. Do you agree or disagree with the Court’s decision? In 2- pages, please explain your position using 2-3 examples to support your claim. Be sure…

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state court judge

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You are a state court judge who has been presented with the following facts. A criminal defendant was stopped by police after an officer observed him speeding. A computer check showed that the man had an outstanding misdemeanor…

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