Pick a topic in the realm of public safety. You will want this topic to be something that has two variables, is interesting and brings a new twist to the topic. Next, develop and state your research question.

 For this assignment you are to do the following:

  1. Pick a topic in the realm of public safety. You will want this topic to be something that has two variables, is interesting and brings a new twist to the topic. Next, develop and state your research question.
  • In no less than two paragraphs, use empirical research (information obtained from scholarly sources suffices this requirement) to help substantiate the importance of the topic. You want to emphasize the “so what” aspect.
    • Note: In addressing the “so what” aspect, you will want to articulate why this topic is important, why it needs to be researched and what impact the research may have on policy.
  1. Identify your Independent variable and the level of measurement.
  • State your independent variable and identify its level of measurement..
  1. Identify your dependent variable.

• State your independent variable and identify its level of measurement.

4. Conceptualize your independent and dependent variable.

  • Make sure that the definition that you use to conceptualize your variables are derived from the literature. Do not make up a definition. You need to look at existing research to determine how the variables are defined.

Format Requirements:

Answer in 1, 2, 3, etc.. format

1) Your topic and research question (this will be your topic and research question for the remainder of the course).

2) Independent Variable and level of measurement

3) Dependent Variable and Level of measurement

4) Conceptualization of your Independent and Dependent Variables.

Must cite any and all information obtained from sources both in text and at the end of the paper using APA formatting.

This includes a dedicated cover and a dedicated reference page

Requirements: 1000

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