Please read the following three scenarios and write a research brief in which you indicate whether each one provides evidence of a causal relationship. Evaluate each one on the three elements required for causality: (1) association, (2) time order, and (3) nonspuriousness.

Please read the following three scenarios and write a research brief in which you indicate whether each one provides evidence of a causal relationship. Evaluate each one on the three elements required for causality: (1) association, (2) time order, and (3) nonspuriousness. Be as specific as you can. Your paper should be approximately two pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and a regular font (Times New Roman or Arial, for example). Scenario 1You are interested in whether police officers with a college degree are more effective than those without a college degree. You have collected data on all NYPD police officers. You have two variables for each officer currently on the force: (1) whether the officer has completed a college degree; and (2) the officer’s most recent performance appraisal score (out of 100 possible points). You find that the average performance appraisal score for those with a college degree is 87, and the average score for those without a college degree is 65. Scenario 2You want to understand whether drug use as a teenager causes criminal activity later in life. You have data on a sample of 1,000 adults. You have two variables for each adult: (1) whether the individual used illicit drugs during their teenage years; and (2) whether the individual engaged in criminal activity as an adult. You find that 3% of adults in your sample who did not use drugs as teenagers have engaged in criminal activity, compared to 45% of adults who did use drugs as teeangers.Scenario 3You are interested in whether inmates who complete a vocational training program are more likely than other inmates to get a job when they are released from prison. You have data on a sample of 1,000 inmates in New York prisons. You have two variables for each: (1) whether the inmate completed a vocational training program while in prison; and (2) whether the inmate got a job when they were released. You find that 35% of inmates in both groups – those who did and did not complete vocational training – got a job when they were released.

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