Please use the following topic sentences and create an essay explaining the function of the mind. Use vocabulary form the moduiles – and USE EXAMPLES from your own life.

Criteria: Used examples from each of the modules to address each of the prompts that describe the function of the mind.


Please use the following topic sentences and create an essay explaining the function of the mind. Use vocabulary form the moduiles – and USE EXAMPLES from your own life.

We have a mind to create meaning and purpose of the world around us.

We associate behaviors to stimuli through the development of a Contingency. (s+ and s-)

The stronger the contingency the greater likelihood we act when that stimuli is present.

We Generalize stimuli and responses – so that we can behave in many different situations.

We form Concepts about stimuli to consolidate cognitive resources and use less brain to get same behavior.

We apply concepts to the real world through algorithms and heuristics to solve problems.

Some people seem to be more intelligent than other people.

We learn so much in the first 5 years of life – the concepts that we learn stick with us.

Our Emotions are stimuli that become conditioned through experience.

Our motivation is a combination of emotional arousal and problem solving in our prefrontal cortex.

the link will take you to the online book and you need to take a look at chapters 5,6,7,8,…

Requirements: essay including the topics above   |   .doc file

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