PMBOK has identified 10 fundamental knowledge areas you need for effective project management. Identify these knowledge areas and assess the linkages among these knowledge areas.

PMBOK has identified 10 fundamental knowledge areas you need for effective project management. Identify these knowledge areas and assess the linkages among these knowledge areas. Write 500+ words. I have attached an example of a previous assignment, follow a similar format and most important follow guidelines below: Assignment Requirements

1. Good Main heading

2. Good Introduction paragraph

3. List of Knowledge Areas

3. Good Identification and Description of Each Knowledge Area

4. Good exposition on their linkages of the Knowledge Area

5. Use additional 7 references as well as the book as a reference and list them properly. Required book is:

Project Management


ISBN: 978-1-77420-013-1

Authors: Adrienne Watt

Publisher: BCcampus

Publication Date: August 14, 2014

Edition: 2nd Edition

The APA Application Requirements

5. Good Subheadings

6. Good in-text citation

7. Good Conclusion

8. Good Reference page

You may add well-labelled diagrams to improve your work

Tables, Graphs, Diagrams, and other Illustrations are labelled (in two lines) on the top, and given a Note. beneath. Remember to add brief in-text explanations for all diagrams, figures, and tables.

Requirements: As per instructions

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