Policy Analysis Assignment Instructions

Review your school district policy manual to locate policies that indirectly or directly apply to diversity concerns in your school system. If your policy manual does not address this issue, you may research another school district in your state to locate this information. Provide a copy of at least one policy from the policy manual. Analyze the policy in a substantive assessment of at least 300 words (should not exceed by more than 100 words) articulating the value of the policy in helping leaders address cultural diversity issues as they seek to build a collaborative school district environment.

  • A title page and references page in current APA format are required.
  • References must be cited in current APA format.
  • Your narrative needs to connect to the course texts/videos and include integration of
    biblical principles.

In the analysis, answer the following questions:

  • Is the policy clearly written?
  • Is it specific or vague in expectations?
  • Is the policy easily accessible?
  • How would this policy help guide you in making decisions during sensitive school climate situations?
  • As a school superintendent, what changes might you suggest to revise and improve the policy?

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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