Population Health Question

Assignment Content

  1. For this assignment, you will interview a provider who works with or cares for patients from a vulnerable population, such as individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals who are incarcerated, LGBTQAI individuals, etc. The provider can be from nursing, medicine, or any allied health discipline.1. Before you conduct the interview, investigate the job description and role of your interviewee as part of the interdisciplinary health care team and learn more about the vulnerable population for which they care. This includes the social, political, historical, and economical perspectives pertaining to this population.2.. Utilize the information you have learned in this course to conduct the interview. Be sure that your interview questions include information about:
    1. The provider’s roles and responsibilities
    2. What brought them to take care of this population
    3. What challenges do they have in caring for this population
    4. What successes have they had in overcoming barriers in caring for this population
    5. How can the health care of this population improve
    6. What is the role of the interviewee’s discipline in improving the health care
    3. Write a 5-6 page paperthat provides
    1. A summary information on the person’s role in the health care team
    2. A historical perspective of the vulnerable population and their health
    3. A summary of the unique health care needs of the population for which the interviewee cares
    4. Specific implications for the healthcare provider interacting with a person of this culture in future practice
    4. Utilize APA 7th edition formatting. Be sure to cite the interview itself.5. Include a minimum of three references.a. Current (less than 5 years old) and peer-reviewed journal articlesb. Other textbooks as appropriate/usefulc. Credible websites (maximum of two)6. Use the grading rubric as a guide.CriteriaLevel of AchievementExceptionalAbove AvgAverageLimitedPoorIntroduction:
    Short paragraph that introduces the paper and includes the thesis statement15 – 59-145-83-40 – 2General overview of the vulnerable population:
    Social information
    Economic/political information
    Historical information26-3020-2515-1910-140 – 9Information about interviewee’s job:Job descriptionCareer pathWork setting Challenges meeting needs of patients26-3020-2515-1910-140 – 9Describe strategies interviewee has used to address challenges: What has worked and what has not – Provide concrete examples35-4029-3423-2817-220-16Draws conclusions and implications for the role of health care provider or educator. How will this affect primary care, hospitalizations, treatment, and management of illnesses and death?35-4029-3423-2817-220-16Style:
    Objectivity\Comprehensiveness \ Organization
    Clarity\Grammar\Spelling\APA format26-3020-2515-1910-140 – 9References meet requirements in assignment instructions8-105-73-41-20 – 1Total: 200


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