Prepare a research essay paper on a current freight transportation challenge

Length: 1,500 words ± 5%

Prepare a research essay paper on a current freight transportation challenge. Select only ONE (1) of the following current freight transportation challenge: • Fuel price (i.e., what are the impacts of rising fuel price on the freight transportation industry in Singapore?) • Freight transportation regulations (i.e., what are the impacts of government regulations on the freight transportation industry in Singapore?) • Freight transportation safety and security (i.e., what are the impacts of increased security measures on freight transportation industry in Singapore?) Students are expected to demonstrate their in-depth understanding and analysis of the chosen topic by including sections such as (and not limited to): • Background of the selected freight transportation challenge (approximately 10% of word count); • How this challenge came about and how it will affect the freight transportation industry in Singapore (approximately 40% of word count); and • YOUR recommendations to reduce or eliminate the challenge as well as increase the benefits obtained from quality (effective and efficient) freight transportation management (approximately 30% of word count).

Present your findings and analysis in a research essay format. Your research paper should 1,500 (±5%) words in length. A word count declaration is required at the Title page.

Please use font type Arial or Times Roma and font size 11 or 12, with 1.5 spacing between sentences.

the final document should be in PDF format.

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