Produce an essay examining your life through a critical social justice lens

Part I: Produce an essay examining your life through a critical social justice lens. This activity is meant to integrate your personal experiences with the theoretical framework of the book (the activity is not meant to be an unanalyzed narrative of your life story or your opinions about the various groups you do or do not belong to). Using direct references to the text, please draw upon the chapter themes (socialization, oppression, racism, privilege) to provide an analysis of what shapes your perspectives, values, expectations, and beliefs as a member of the various social groups you belong to. In Part I of this essay, choose two social identities/group memberships to which you belong and discuss how those “memberships shape and affect your life. Describe how key influences (such as family, friends, schools, communities, ideas, values, your culture(s), and/or the wider society) have been formative in your thinking about your memberships in the different groups” (p. 216). Ideally, for the two membership identities you choose, one would be “an identity in which you experience privilege and one in which you experience oppression” (p. 216), keeping in mind that the treatment of those categories should align with the scientific/academic understanding of the terms, in the specific context of the United States, and be bolstered with data/literature from the text rather than anecdote.

You MUST include citations/references to the text in Part I. (Baby doll experiment video and Chapter 3 racism and week 6 48 things a women hears in a lifetime video and chapter 7 sexism video)

Part II: Part II of this paper will focus on your analysis of schooling through a critical social justice lens. In Part Il you will discuss two ways in which socialization, oppression, racism, and/or privilege impact the stakeholders involved in schooling, including parents, students, community members, teachers, etc. Feel free to use knowledge from assigned articles, and your own educational experiences to discuss schooling through a critical social justice lens.

You are not required to include citations/references to the text in Part I but certainly can.

Format: The paper’s title should simply be Key Assessment, be anywhere from 1000-3000 words, typed, doubled spaced, written in 12 font, and with one-inch margins, cover page and reference page, and follow all APA guidelines. The section headings for your paper should be:


Part 1

Part II


These section headers correspond with the criteria as outlined below in the rubric.

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