Profit and Sustainability

Learning Goal: I’m working on a marketing writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Watch & Discuss video “Green Travel and Sustainable Tourism Practices”. Your point of view on profit vs sustainability.¶m1=20210815¶m2=4889743b-4ce0-4f36-ae6a-7817c527e70a¶m3=wav%7EUS%7Eappfocus1%7E¶m4=d-cp14215479965-lp0-hh6-obgc-wav-vuentp%3Aon-igtZhDFiEjUCNciWSmOQ-ab36-w64-brwsr-ntb-ntp%7EChrome%7EEthical+and+Sustainable+Tourism+practices+youtube+videos%7EB2D7D7656EB4E5153688637C8FBF7B49%7EWin10&p=Ethical+and+Sustainable+Tourism+practices+youtube+videos&type=A1-brwsr-%7E2021-34%7E#id=1&vid=1c5840451031b645b2d88da93f18312a&action=click


*Your assignment will require for you to complete the readings for all the chapters assigned through the course.

*Watch the video “Green Travel and Sustainable Tourism Practices”

*Your answers must be written in a format APA Style of Writing.

*Write a minimum of 2 pages reflection paper.

*Use multiple academic resources and citations to support the content of the case study.

Requirements: As long as it has to be

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