programming project

Learning Goal: I’m working on a programming project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

you are approched by a company that wants you to create a room that has 12 tables, one table for each group of students. Each table can hold 8 members.

Note the following

  • Member information conists of
    • photo
    • first name
    • last name
  • When a member logs in, he/she needs to show up in the the table assigned to him/her.
  • You can hardcode the members to the groups.
  • Under each group, there should be a text box. That text box should allow the faculty to write a comment to send to the group. The student should see the message at his/her log in page.
  • The interface needs to be similar to this one shown below:
    Group members who are logged in should show up both in the table and in the list of names below the table. (This should be seen on both the Faculty page as well as the ROOM page that shows only one group.)Group members who are not logged in should not show up on the table nor in the list of names below the table.
  • What do you need to build
  • Tables (in DB)
    • Table for members. Name it members table. This should contain first name, last name, password, user id, photo and maybe other stuff as you need
    • Table for groups. This contains the group number and the student IDs that belong to that group. This table also contains a field (TEXT field) that holds any messages sent to the group
  • Pages (HTML and PHP)
    • A log-in page that allows the user to log in
    • A ROOM page that shows the user his/her group. So the user can ONLY see ONE table which is the one that has his members in it
    • A Faculty page that allows faculty to see ALL tables (as seen in the picture above)


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About the Author: admin