project gallery of antiques


This assignment asks you to create a gallery of antiquities and medieval art by choosing objects from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Getty Villa, and The Louvre Museum.

Museum Websites to Source Artworks:

1.Art Collection – The Metropolitan Museum of Art (

2.Home (Getty Museum)

3.Explore (


1. Choose one object from the collections of the Metropolitan Museum, The Getty Villa, and The Louvre to represent the following historical periods we have studied in AHIS1:

a. Egyptian Art (3200BCE- 500ACE)

b. Mesopotamian Art (3200BCE-500ACE)

c. Greek Art (1000BCE- 300ACE)

d. Roman Art (550 BCE-400ACE)

e. Byzantine Art (500-1100 ACE)

f. Islamic Art (620-1300 ACE)

g. Medieval and Gothic Art (700-1300BCE)

Make sure your object is from the date range provided above.

2. Write a 500-1000 word description of your exhibitions (in total, for all the objects), making comparisons between the objects regarding style, subject matter, materials, symbolism, etc. Discuss the changes in the conventions of representation and aesthetic form.

Requirements: 500-1000 words

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