PSY 3230-Psychological Disorders

The discussion question is on Gender Identity Dysphoria. This problem is quite unique in that one of the successful treatments is surgery. This problem can also challenge us to look at what we mean by sexual identity. Here’s a discussion question for you. If Susan believes she is really a man trapped in a woman’s body (i.e. she could be diagnosed with gender identity disorder) and she is sexually attracted to Joan, then is Susan a lesbian or not? If you believe that sexual identity is a function of physical attributes, then the answer is yes. If you believe that sexual identity is a function of psychological identity, then the answer is no. There may be other responses as well. Caution!! Please do not respond to this question quickly without thinking about your answer. Allow yourself to be challenged be the question. I hope this question offers you a chance to think about what sexual identity means to people. I would also urge you not to respond by stating any belief without reference to the material in the text. Again, please allow yourself to be challenged be the question. If you would like to challenge yourself further, take a look at:

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Between 8-10 sentences long

Requirements: between 8-10 sentences long

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