Psychedelic Therapy


Discussion Topic #4: Psychedelic Therapy


For our last discussion board, consider Psychedelic therapy (PAP) for the treatment of PTSD and other disorders like Depression and Anxiety. PAP refers to therapeuticl site. practices involving psychedelic drugs such as LSDpsilocybin.DMTmescaline.2C-B., and MDMA.. In psychedelic therapy, in contrast to the use of conventional psychiatric medication which is taken by the patient regularly or as-needed, patients remain in an extended psychotherapy session during the acute activity of the drug and spend the night at the facility. In the sessions with the drug, therapists are nondirective and support the patient in exploring their inner experience. Patients participate in psychotherapy before the drug psychotherapy sessions to prepare them and after the drug psychotherapy to help them integrate their experiences with the drug.

Participation in this discussion is worth a total of 25 points.

After reviewing this article (Psychedelic Therapy: Definition, Types, Techniques, and Efficacy ( answer the following questions (15 points).

  1. What is at least one major advantage of PAP?
  2. What is at least one concern you may have regarding PAP?
  3. Do you think the research is worth pursuing? Why or why not? Try and demonstrate your ability to see both sides of the issue.

For the remaining 10 points, respond constructively to one of your classmate’s posts.

For full credit, your typed response (5-10 sentences) must be free of typos or grammatical errors. You can use video format (1-3 minutes) if you prefer, but it’s not required.

Clinical Vignette

2. Clinical Vignette #4 will have 2 diagnosis which are called a comorbid diagnosis. You MUST be able to explain both diagnosis in your clinical formulation write up.

For Clicial Vignette # 4, please follow the set up thats on the Full Assessment form posted in the module section. Each section of the clinical vignette should coincide with a new paragraph.I will break things down below for clarification.

All sections of the full assessment MUST be in their own paragraph when relaying to the Clinical Vignette. Notice that Section 4, Section 6 and Section 8 Does Not need to be in your paper. Examples below:

1st paragraph: Section 1: Demorgraphic section. Clients date of birth, ethnicity, marital status etc.

2nd paragraph: Section 2: Reason for referral should be answered, I need for you all to pay more attention to detail: What is the clients symptoms, behaviors, rason for referral, how long has these symptoms been, when did it start, how often, and does it cause impairments to the clients life. Has the client had any suicidal thoughts.

3rd Paragraph: Section 3: Mental Health History: Here you will follow the full assessment exactly. Has the client had any psychiatric hospitilizations, has the client had any outpatient treatment before (been to therapy), has the client been exposed to trauma.

Section 4: DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE IN PAPER (Medications).

4th Paragraph: Section 5: Include in this Vignette. Substance Use/Abuse section. Answer the questions from the full assessment.

Section 6: DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE IN PAPER (Medical History).

5th Paragraph: Section 7: Psychological History: Education/school history, Employment history, legal history, current living arrangement, family history.

Section 8: DO NOT NEED TO INCLUDE IN PAPER (Mental Status Exam).

6th Paragraph: Section 9: Clients Strengths, Clinical Formulation area is where you summarize the clients symptoms to come to your reason for diagnosis you are given this client.

Clinical Vignette # 4

Please do not copy and paste the clinical vignette into your paper. This is not needed. Begin your paper going into the sections described.


Emily Vicks, born April 1st 1989. Emily is a married 34 year old African American female college student, presented for evaluation by her Primary care doctor for issues dealing with mood instability. Emily has a slight hearing impairment, but able to drive on her own without assistance. Her symptoms of chronic mood instability had persisted and worsened since she returned from a 22- month military tour in Iraq and Afghanistan. During Deployment Emily attempted self harm,and was placed on a 72 hour hold in a psychiatric hospital. Emily was able to speak with a psychiatrists and also psychologist while in the hospital. Emily was flagged as attempting self harm and went to outpatient treatment for 2 months. Emily talks to the therapist and describes that this whole process is a joke, with the psychiatrist, psychologist and even the therapist as no one can fully understand what she experienced and also what she saw.

Emily worked in air traffic control while on deployment and although she was not directly involved in a combat zone, she lost many of her friends that were in the military in the combat zone areas. This was Emily’s first psychiatric evaluation. Emily does not like to talk about her time in the military but her husband insists that she does. Emily reports of her mood being down, has nightmares, sleepwalks, night terrors, wakes up sweating, out of breath, and confused. Most of the time she doesn’t enjoy being around husband or enjoying time with her three young children (2, 4, 6).

Emily reports moments of being restless, hopeless, and always reports of being hypervigillant while in public as she has to always look at her surroundings. Emily avoids driving, especially when she has to go over bridges as she would rather stick with the area she is most comfortable with. Emily’s sleep is interuptted often which she has distubring dreams of hearing bombs go off and screams, on top of loud noises.

Emily’s husband has convinced her to go back to college to find a better outlook on life in which she will be able to find a career that she loves that also brings her flexibility with raising her children.

Emily reports moments of poor concentration since returning back from service. Marijuana and cocaine initially helped Emily deal with her symptoms, but her ability to turn in assignments, study and be present for school has declined due to her cocaine and marijuana use. Emily has fleeting thoughts of suicidality while using cocaine and marijuana. Her appeite has been good, no history of panic attacks, obsessive compulsions or psychosis.

Emily proudly talks about her psychiatric hospitilization and hold she was placed on and also discuss how she doesn’t believe in outpatient treatment. There are family history of also psychiatric hospitilization in which her father tried to attempt suicide and also abused alcohol. Mother was diagnosed with bordeline personality disorder while she was 27.

Emily, first started using cocaine and marijuana when she was 15. Emily had a high tolerance for this in which she would use drugs 2x a week. Emily use of drugs escalated more while in the military in which it almost became out of control for her. After being released from the military Emily would use drugs 2-3x per day for at least 3 days per week and sometimes even more.

During the moments of heavy use Emily would black out, would have tremors and speech would be affected. Emily identified cocaine as her identified drug of choice and just needed the marijuana to supress her mood. Emily noted that she used cocaine to snort and also decided one day decided to experiment with crack cocaine. Emily’s Husband did not know of her cocaine or marijuana use.

Emily lost at least four jobs since being out of the military because of her cocaine and marijuana use. Emily also uses nicotine as well to calm her nerves and mood in which she smokes 5-8 cigarettes per day. Her efforts to quit smoking are failing because of her cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


Name of the textbook:Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice, and Culture by Andrew M.
Pomerantz. 4th Edition, 2016. ISBN- 978-1-5063-3374-8 or newer edition.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of note taking during the clinical interview? (At least 3-5 Sentences)

2. Based on research and recommendations presented in the textbook, describe an ideal design for a clinician’s interview room or office. ( At Least 3-5 Sentences)

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