PV simulation in Simulink.

A PV module is working at STC for 15 s, then at G= 500 W/m2 & T= 50° for 10 s, and finally at the STC again for 10 s. Assume that the PV module was operating initially at open circuit voltage at STC, write a MATLAB code for an MPPT algorithm to extract the maximum power for STP260 – 24/Vd PV module using a PV model block built in Simulink using the P&O method. The algorithms above should be executed every 0.1s. Try different values for the step voltage (0.1 V, 0.5 V, and 1 V). Plot the voltage and power waveforms for the three cases on the same graphs; one for power and one for voltage. Comment on the effect of increasing the step voltage. (Note: It is not required to implement the MPPT algorithm using a DC converter. You can replace it with a controlled voltage source available in Simulink)

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