Reflect on the challenges and successes of your MSBAN degree program

Learning Goal: I’m working on a data analytics discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please reflect on the challenges and successes of your MSBAN degree program. Please discuss your confidence and ability to:

a) Provide a substantive and relevant business analytics solution to a business problem.

b) Apply the skills acquired in this course (statistical, operational, software, predictive modeling, and others) to provide an analytical solution to a real-world problem.

c) Communicate the findings of analytical research effectively in both written and oral presentations to management.…

  1. Please refer to the discussion forum rubric
  2. Initial discussion forum is due by Tuesday and responses to two of your classmates are due by Friday.
  3. Each week to earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to support your discussion

Requirements: in-depth example

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