Reflect on the different approaches to the question de auxiliis discussed in the article assigned by summarizing the two fundamentally opposed positions taken during the controversy and offering a brief evaluation of the issue in your own terms.

Reflect on the different approaches to the question de auxiliis discussed in the article assigned by summarizing the two fundamentally opposed positions taken during the controversy and offering a brief evaluation of the issue in your own terms.

  • Council of Trent, “Decree on Justification and Canons on Justification,” 6th Session. Available at: of Trent, 6th SessionLinks to an external site.
  • Council of Trent, “Decree on the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist,” 13th Session. Available at: of Trent, 13th SessionLinks to an external site.
  • Council of Trent, “Doctrine on the Sacrifice of the Mass,” 22nd Session. Available at: of Trent, 22nd SessionLinks to an external site.
  • Robert Joseph Matava, “A Sketch of the Controversy de auxiliis,” Journal of Jesuit Studies 7 (2020): 417–446.
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