Reflective Journal Assignment

Reflective Journal Assignment Instructions

You will complete three Reflective Journal Assignments throughout this course. For each submission, reflect on the content in the assigned module’s Learn section and describe how you would translate theory into school district practice in response to the situation presented in the provided prompt. The writing requirements for the entries vary based on the prompts. See the prompts below for each Reflective Journal.

  • The prompt should not be copied/pasted into your submission. Instead, include an introductory paragraph that engages the reader and expresses the topic of your paper.
  • Respond in a narrative fashion, not numbering your responses.
  • Include a title page in APA format on each submission.
  • Supports: Your narrative must connect to the course texts/videos or course-related articles properly cited and referenced per current APA formatting guidelines.

Module 2: Week 2: Reflective Journal: Inclusion Implementation Assignment

You have just been hired as superintendent of a school district that is experiencing tension between the principals and their faculties. The leaders have initiated an Inclusion model to support students with special needs in the general education classroom. This model includes a co-teaching component. Their method of implementation followed autocratic, authoritarian leadership models. The teachers are upset that collaboration was not involved in the

process. Please address these three questions based on your readings in the Learn section. Your entry must be at least 500 words.

How would you, as the superintendent, address these issues of faculty dissatisfaction and principal autocratic, authoritarian leadership style with your principals?

How would you ensure that principals provide teachers with the support they need to implement inclusion and co-teaching so that student needs are adequately met? What would that support look like?

What role does building relationships play in this scenario? Discuss this in terms of the superintendent’s relationship with the principals and in terms of the principals’ relationships with their staff.

Module 3: Week 3: Reflective Journal: Aligning Vision with Teaching and Learning

Respond to the following questions:

  1. How would you ensure your teachers clearly understand the school’s vision and their role in that vision? As a leader, how will you ensure that the vision of your school/district is lived and not just laminated?
  2. What practices will you use as a leader to ensure that teachers are aligning the vision with teaching and learning?
  3. How will you ensure teachers’ professional growth is paramount and aligned with the vision?
  4. What professional development will you engage in yourself that aligns with your vision and the school’s vision, ensuring that teaching and learning are of the highest quality at your school?

Your entry must be at least 500 words. You must address each question in a substantive fashion that ties your views to the information presented in the module’s Learn section or course-related articles.

Module 6: Week 6: Reflective Journal: Superintendent/Board Relationships Assignment

Respond to the following questions:

  1. How would you address personal concerns if you felt the board was micromanaging your decisions?
  2. What was the most important concept you learned from Chapter 3 in “Surviving to Thriving”? How would you use this knowledge to ensure your success as a superintendent?
  3. Discuss the variety of communication methods that should be used in fostering positive relationships with school board members to achieve common goals and meet the needs of students in your school district.

Your entry must be at least 500 words. You must address each question in a substantive fashion that ties your views to the information presented in the module’s Learn section or course-related articles.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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