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Class: Our country and many others are currently beset with a variety of social issues. Currently a growing problem among all age groups is mental illness. Much mental illness lies in feelings of isolation and alone-ness, so the tendency is to turn inward. Actions by others such as hate spewing, misinformation, body shaming, or self-held unrealistic life expectations help to promote both mental illness and isolation. Recently a group called has a series of short 30 and 60 second ads that are spot on what our society needs reminding us that Jesus too felt alone and isolated, was wrongly judged, invited an array of persons (e.g., sinners, unaccepted, thieves–persons deemed undesirable) to dinner, was canceled by the current society, had a teen mom, etc. I saw the first one during the CMT awards my husband had one. I have seen the dinner party and the loneliness ads and they are short but powerful.

To offset this loneliness during this very individual journey, reach out and form or join an accountability group. Only those immersed in this journey really understand the toll it takes. Take care of yourself—relationally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. Maintaining some semblance of balance here, while from a time management perspective may seem daunting, will payoff in the long run.

Here is the link to the Dinner Party:

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