Research the issue and maintain this theme throughout the paper to understand more about how this issue affects and impacts (potential and otherwise) individuals and the family system.

10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 27

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). 

Integrated Research Essay: Choose an issue that poses a challenge for families. (The scope is almost endless but here are a few examples; communication, marriage, divorce, blending families, sexuality, addictions, illness, immigration and grief). Research the issue and maintain this theme throughout the paper to understand more about how this issue affects and impacts (potential and otherwise) individuals and the family system. Utilizing the systemic perspective framework we’ve discussed, focus your paper toinclude the following:a) Clearly describe the topic and the presence of these challenges and opportunities.b) Discuss what it is about this issue that draws your attention. How may this relate to any ofyour own family of origin stories?c) Include the following concepts to a lesser or greater degree in your discussion: boundaries,identity, alliances, roles, rules, communication styles and resiliency.d) What enables the family to use the differences and challenges constructively? What forcesmay inhibit constructive conflict responses?e) Illustrate with a metaphor that reflects a family dealing with this issue.f) What have you learned from the research and writing on this subject?g) What questions for further research do you have? Elaborate.

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). A title page and complete reference page are required. The paper will be evaluated for scholarly research, elaboration of family systems concepts and integration of this issue with the course material and your own life experience.10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 28 50%REQUIRED TEXT:Day, Randal. (2010). Introduction to Family Processes. (5th ed). Milton Park: Routlege. Available through the UW bookstore and as an ebook through the UW library.

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