Search for a detailed job advertisement or a job description. What are the KSAOs that the job seems to require? Suggest which sorts of tests or other screening procedures might best measure the KSAOs associated with the job.


Search for a detailed job advertisement or a job description. What are the KSAOs that the job seems to require? Suggest which sorts of tests or other screening procedures might best measure the KSAOs associated with the job.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

PART 2- MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT (VAL)- Job Performance Appraisal System

Think of your job as a COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR. Using what you know about the position, try to determine what the relevant performance criteria would be for the job.

1.     Develop methods for assessing the performance criteria. Would you measure these criteria objectively or subjectively?

2.     Using the job from question 1, design a performance appraisal system for the position. What does it consist of? Who will do the evaluations?

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment should be at least 2 pages, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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