Select a  local community program in my city

The goal of this assignment is for you to investigate community programs and analyze the impact of decision-making and evidence-based programming on youth and families within the juvenile justice system.


This assignment will help you to become familiar with the following valuable content knowledge:

  • Identify approaches to community policing and consider how an effective juvenile justice system should contribute to the well-being of youth, families, and communities.

This assignment has to be 2 Full pages not including the title page

I HAVE ATTACHED INSTRUCTIONS AND THE RUBRIC IN THE FILES and I’m also attaching the link for the txt book


Assignment Tasks

  1. Select a  local community program (preferably in your city or county) I found in my city a program called East LA RISING

  1. Research the agency (community program) by searching for their website and reading all aspects that can help you answer the following questions:
    • Make sure to meet the criteria outlined in the rubric
    • The program description
    • What the program is trying to accomplish
    • How it tries to bring about change
    • Program expectations
    • Who attends the programs
    • How people get involved/ success stories
    • Gaps in programs
    • Possible solutions

Questions to keep in mind as you research your program

  • Who is the program targeting?
  • Is the program prevention, intervention, or diversion based?
  • What is the goal of the program?
  • Is the program focusing on recidivism or prevention to keep adolescents from getting in trouble?
  • Based on the program, are their techniques supported by research?
    • For example, if the program is prevention-based, what are the age categories they are targeting? – Empirical research has been conducted suggesting the age category for prevention programs.

Submission Format

  • Use APA format of writing (this is our APA Style Guide in our library)
    • You will need a cover page, citations when giving specific examples, a reference page, Times New Roman 12pt font, and make sure your paper is double-spaced.
  • Your paper will be submitted through Turnitin to check for plagiarism and grammar.
  • Your paper should be two full pages of writing – Not 1.5 or “almost two full pages.
    • The page count does not include your cover page or reference page.

Time Frame 

Criteria for Success

 You have to research your local program and think about how you will answer the questions. Your paper must include critical thinking about how your program impacts the juvenile justice system.

An excellent paper will meet all the criteria outlined in the rubric, so take the time to read what that criterion is and use it as a checklist to make sure you hit all the points.

Keep in mind this assignment is supposed to be two full pages. This means you should not use MLA format and add your name, date, etc., to the top of the paper (this is automatically a 5pt deduction). If you are unsure about what I mean by APA, please review the link above to our library website to read about it. 

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