Select if your project is using a translational science model or a theoretical framework and change model. Identify the model used. (translational science model or a theoretical framework)

  1. Project Title
  2. Select if your project is using a translational science model or a theoretical framework and change model. Identify the model used. (translational science model or a theoretical framework)
  3. Provide a problem statement (no less than 5-6 fully structured sentences) to explain the issue/problem you are addressing. Please describe current practice/process leading to the issue. Provide any reports or currently available data to document the need identified by primary decision maker(s) at practicum site. NOTE: in this section, you must include in-text citations with your evidence-based intervention.
  4. Provide a brief description, using in-text citations/references, to support the need for change from both a global and practicum site perspective.
  5. What is the purpose of your proposed project? Begin your formal purpose statement by stating: The purpose of the proposed DNP project is to…”
  6. Provide your one-sentence PICOT question below. Be clear and concise. Note: your population cannot be students or faculty; your intervention cannot be educational and your time frame must be 8-12 weeks .
  7. Fully describe the population (keep in mind students and /or faculty are not allowed) of your proposed project. What is your anticipated participant size? What inclusion and exclusion criteria will be used to identify your population?
  8. You are required to have a minimum of 5 contemporary research articles s (<5 years old) to support your practice problem and evidence-based practice intervention. A minimum of 2 articles should be related to your practice problem and a minimum of 3 articles related to your evidence-based intervention. Please provide a full listing (APA formatted) of the evidence you have to support the EBP intervention you will implement.
  9. Explain the intervention you will implement to address the issue identified based on the needs of the practicum site. Remember, educational only interventions are not allowed. The intervention should be based on the translational science model you have chosen. You must provide an overview of the intervention so the reader(s) will be able to duplicate the intervention on their own. (Include or attach any relevant documents, if available such as protocols, procedures, guidelines, etc. that you will implement).
  10. Given you only have 8-10 weeks to implement your project, discuss the project’s feasibility. Will you be able to accomplish everything you want to do as far as implementation in 8-10 weeks? What barriers might you have and how will you overcome them?
  11. Fully explain your plans for data collection to measure the impact of your intervention. Include a concise description of the measurable outcome you identified in your PICOT question. Provide the name of the tool/instrument you will use (if applicable) and discuss its validity and reliability with in-text citations from supporting literature. Additionally, fill out the chart below to concisely convey your measurable outcomes and the name(s) of the valid/reliable survey instrument/tool(s) you will use
  12. Measurable Outcome(s) as identified in the PICOT question
  13. Data collection process pre- and post-intervention
  14. Explain your plan for data analysis. Identify the statistical test(s) you will use to bring meaning to the final data you collect at the completion of your project
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