Self Reflective Journal

Assignment 2 Self-Reflective Journal –

Objectives 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

As a way to internalize what you are learning and processing, you will be keeping a Weekly Journal where you will share what you have learned and observed.

  1. At the end of each week (Weeks 1-4), reflect upon what you processed and learned as you read the text, lectures, and electronic resources.
  2. Write a journal entry beginning with the end of Week 1 (Sat or Sunday) and concluding with Week 4.
  3. Each week’s entry should be approximately 250 words long. You might find it helpful to use the weekly essential and/or guiding questions as a starting point.
  4. Include the following information and sections in each journal entry:
    1. What key lesson did I learn this week?
    2. What materials or issues raised in the text, lectures or electronic resources were particularly helpful or satisfying to me? Why?
    3. What materials or issues raised in the text, lectures or electronic resources were particularly difficult for me? Why?
    4. What misconceptions did I have about the topic for this week?
    5. How did I apply the concepts from this week into my current work?
    6. How did my philosophy of change management evolve/change/remain the same as the result of what I learned this week? Give specific examples/illustrations to support your statement
    7. What did I do differently in my work/personal environment as it related to change management this week?
    8. What value, thought, or feeling(s) regarding my personal and/or organizational change management ideas did I share with a colleague, andwhy?
  5. Cite from your textbook and other module resources each week to support your reflections. Be very specific with examples that you use. Template for Reflective JournalAssignment 4 CIMA 706
     Reflective journals are used to record detailed descriptions of certain aspects of an
    event or thought. For example, who was there, what was the purpose of the event, what
    do you think about it, how does it make you feel, etc. Write down everything, even if you
    don’t have a clear idea of how this information will be helpful.
     Writing a reflective journal requires not only that you describe a learning experience, but
    also that you analyze the topics covered and articulate your feelings and opinions about
    the subject matter.
     Each week’s entry should be approximately 250 words long. Use the weekly essential
    and/or guiding questions as a guide.
    1. Cover sheet following APA and NSU format
    2. Table of Contents
    3. 7 weekly entries by Topic
    1. Include the following information and sections in each journal entry:
    1. What key lesson did I learn this week?
    2. What materials or issues raised in the text, lectures or electronic
    resources were particularly helpful or satisfying to me? Why?
    3. What materials or issues raised in the text, lectures or electronic
    resources were particularly difficult for me? Why?
    4. What misconceptions did I have about the topic for this week?
    5. How did I apply the concepts from this week into my current work?
    6. How did my philosophy of change management
    evolve/change/remain the same as the result of what I learned this
    week? Give specific examples/illustrations to support your statement
    7. What did I do differently in my work/personal environment as it
    related to change management this week?
    8. What value, thought, or feeling(s) regarding my personal and/or
    organizational change management ideas did I share with a colleague
    and why?
    4. Conclusion:
    1. Wrap up the process with a paragraph telling how you felt about this process
    2. Include a statement about how you feel now at the end of the process.
    5. Glossary of Terms:
    1. Include new terms you are adding to your vocabulary
    6. References
    1. Cite from your textbook and other module resources each week to support
    your reflections. Be very specific with examples that you use.
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