Sequences & Contrast Worksheet

Sagittal imaging is prescribed from __________ to _________.

Coronal imaging is prescribed from _____________ to ____________.

Axial imaging is prescribed from _____________ to _____________.

For following sequences, label “short” or “long” or “variable”

T1 – _________TE, ___________TR

T2 – _________TE, ___________TR

GRE – _________TE, ___________TR, _________flip angle

STIR – _________TE, ___________TR, _________TI

What each sequence shows best?

T1 –

T2 –



What pathologies will contrast show?

What sequence is performed after administration of contrast?

Describe fat suppression and how it is used to visualize pathology using T1 and T2 sequences.




Spatial resolution:

List factors that affect SNR:

What sequences show contrast-to-noise best?

What factors contribute to spatial resolution?

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