Short Research Paper Part 2 – Guidelines

This final paper assignment is an “extended version” of your Part 1 assignment. The grading rubric is attached at the end of this guideline. You may refer to it before and/or while writing the paper.

General requirement

A good literature review goes beyond the search for relevant research and the summary of research findings related to your question; you also need to organize and evaluate findings as process to answer the question. Please see the detailed guidelines for Part 2 of research project following the table of “Structure of Final Paper” below.    

Structure of Final Paper 

Introduction (Completed through Part 1)

Importance of studying the topic (Completed through Part 1)

Overview of article summary 

Summary of article 1 

Summary of article 2 

Summary of article 3 

Summary of article 4

Summary of article 5

Comprehensive summary 



Requirements in detail

Introduction (1-2 short paragraph[s])

 You have written the introduction. Please revise it so that it includes one clear research question that you are examining. 

Importance of studying the topic (1-2 paragraphs)

 You have written the importance of studying the topic. Revise it for this Part 2 of the project. In this section of the paper, you need to discuss why studying this topic is important in individual, relational, and social levels.

Overview of article summary (1 short paragraph)

 Following the intro, in 2-4 sentences in a new paragraph, describe the general overview of the articles that you are about to summarize. This paragraph will help you make connections between the introduction and the five article summaries.  

Summary of five articles (5 paragraphs, one paragraph for each summary)

 Summarize all study findings in four-five separate paragraphs. Each summary should generally include 1) what the authors aimed to study [use APA in-text citation] and 2) key findings that are related to your research question. 

When writing this section of the paper, consider yourself as a young researcher who should organize and explain the given scholarly evidence as process to answer your question, rather than agonizing to provide each summary one after another. To provide a scholarly narrative like a researcher (or a professional in the field), before writing this paper, you must organize the five study findings so they are connected smoothly to answer your question. 

Very Important: When organizing summaries, you should use transitions appropriately. Refer to the example of good literature review in the slide “Tips – writing a lit. review -1.”

**This is the most important section of your paper assignment. Doing well on this section fulfills the long-term goal of our course; applying a scholarly lens to examine a common sense communication phenomenon and to provide your own analysis for the proposed problem of interest. This assignment will also help you learn basics of literature review that you should complete in some required upper level courses.** 

Comprehensive summary (1 short paragraph)

 Summarize what you have learned through the literature review of the five articles. You do not need to elaborate every detail of the findings from the five studies. Instead, provide a comprehensive summary of findings from these studies. 

Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)

 Discuss how the five research findings relate and do not relate to your research question. What did the review of five articles leave you wondering? What is (are) concepts, terms, or ideas that you found from the five articles that are central to better understand the question you raised in the first place? 


 A reference section that lists all the articles you referred, using the APA style, should be provided. Remember that all articles you cite within the text of the outline should be listed in the references section and vice versa. 

APA resources

Please carefully read the APA guideline for in-text citation and references shown in the following resources. The APA guidelines are also available in the slide “Research Guidelines – Tips” under “Research Project Guidelines” on Blackboard.

In-text citation-

References –

You will be graded on:

a) Quality of research, that is, how relevant the articles are to your topic

b) Whether you are able to identify and write a coherent argument about the chosen topic

c)  Use of APA

**Please find the grading rubric attached below.**

Grading Rubric for Part 2 of Research Project









< 12 

Article summaries

(20 points)

Uses a logical organization style (i.e., providing an overview after the introduction) AND there are clear thoughtful argument(s)for all summarized articles (i.e., use your own words to summarize findings and provide thoughtful discussion)

Uses a logical organization style (i.e., providing an overview after the introduction) AND generally fine arguments overall

No clear organization logic but a reasonably well-flowing outline (makes some sense) OR informative but not well organized

No attempt at organization; lists articles and summarizes information; lack of clear focus/ flow


7 – 8

5– 6

< 5


(10 points)

Has all elements required for the paper AND feedback provided for the Paper 1 have been incorporated. Entire paper contains relevant and interesting information and is properly detailed; will require no revisions  

Has all elements required for the paper AND Reasonably detailed; good quality information; minor revisions may further improve quality of paper

– Few details

– No clear formatting

– Conflates research with personal opinions

– Uses too many direct quotes from journal articles 

Does not meet expectations specified for the assignment


7 – 8

5 – 6

< 5

Writing (10 points)

Paper shows all qualities: Paper is exceptionally well written. There is a successful effort at using language appropriately and creatively to express ideas. 

Paper shows all qualities: Incorporates appropriate explanations. Overall well-written paper. 

Few or no grammatical errors; sentences are structured correctly andappropriately.

5 or more grammatical errors; Mostly stream of conscious writing. 

Reference section 

(5 points)

The reference section should include a list of all the articles you are using. 

The list should be formatted per APA style. 

All articles listed in the reference section should be cited within the paper. 

For every error, 0.5 points will be taken off. 

The rubric has been developed based on the guidelines provided for the literature review assignment. The instructor reserves the right to modify the rubric if required.

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