Social Work Competency

Question 1:

Natural supports, such as relationship with family, friends, and community play a crucial role in creating change in the lives of clients. These natural supports contribute significantly to individual’s overall well-being and resilience during the planned change process.How does the integration of natural supports enhance the planning process within the Planned Change Model in social work?In what ways can social workers facilitate the development and utilization of natural supports as a key element of the planned change process?What are some challenges associated with identifying and leveraging natural supports?What are some strategies to overcome the challenges you identified?

This discussion question is informed by the following Social Work Competency:

Question 2:

Explain the difference between goals and objectives. Provide an example of each.

Question 3:

List and explain at least three different possible roles of the social worker during the implementation process.

Question 4:

Provide an example of how you can use the task-centered approach for a client. Discuss how the task-centered approach can be used to frame implementation.

This discussion question is aligned to the following Social Work Competency:

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